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A game based on the TV series On Two

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On Two series of more.tv


On Two is a series of more.tv from More Originals line, a romantic drama starring Danila Kozlovsky and Alexander Petrov. We created a romance novel-style game called On Two to promote the series to the gamers of the Romance Club and similar visual novels. The main goal is to tell the target audience about the series and attract gamers, and then attract these gamers to watch the series. Objective: to create a game in which the viewer can live through their version of the series and experience several options of their own plot. We created the game for 3 platforms: iOS, Android, and VK. After the release of the game, we promoted it to fans of the actors and in communities dedicated to games of a similar genre. The game had built in references to the series, and after finishing the game users received a promo code for the subscription to more.tv, so that they could start watching the series.