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The Secret Life of Office Items: Funny and scary stories about violations of work safety rules.

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List of rules and instructions for work safety and health in the office.


Occupational health and safety is a very important, but boring topic. Employees find it difficult to concentrate and don't remember the material well. To solve this problem, Moscow Credit Bank decided to supplement the health and safety training and approached us with this task. So we found a solution: we told about safety violations in the format of horror stories. The storytellers were the objects of office furniture, which are sometimes the only witnesses of accidents in the company. Thus, the commercials turned out to be funny, interesting, but at the same time they well show the possible consequences of violations of safety rules. We wanted to show in the videos that health and safety is important, but at the same time not to scare employees and not make them bored. With the advent of the rollers, onboarding at the bank has become faster, and employees are better able to remember information and comply with safety rules.