White Square | Белый Квадрат



hh.ru “Real stories”

Advertised product

Job and employees online search service


Real people show not in words, but in deeds, that hh.ru has a job for everyone throughout the country! In its category, hh.ru was the first to launch a 360* reality show, which was watched by 35M people or 40% of the employable population of Russia. We covered all the stages of the campaign development for the audience (the announcement, process of heroes selection, the advertising filming and backstage). As a result, we achieved a human-centric advertising campaign about real stories told by real people. The campaign improved the brand's positions for the focus target groups, increased all the indicators of the brand funnel, which were stable and did not grow for the last 2 years, despite the previous advertising. The brand attracted a large number of new users by increasing the number of resumes at the platform - 9M new resumes or 15% of all resumes.