White Square | Белый Квадрат



House in Coca-Cola caravan

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New Year in Central Asia is traditionally "In-house" celebrated holiday. In order to attract the attention of young people to the brand during the New Year period, we literally moved the house to the streets of the city. More precisely, two super star TikTok houses - BIP and YOLO. On the eve of the holiday, the creators of popular content traveled the country right inside the legendary Coca-Cola trucks. On the road Tiktokers were streaming live, therefore everyone could ask a question or see themselves on the other side of the broadcast . As a result, caravan visited 16 cities in 3 countries, we increased package sales growth in Kazakhstan by 16%, exceeded media KPI by 2 times and received more than 68 million interactions with the brand on social networks. We fulfilled childhood dreams and stood out from the clutter of the usual New Year's campaigns, creating real magic.